The original Alfa Romeo Spider was made famous in the film “Mrs Robinson”. This version we have in is the last of the breed from 1993. This sadly means it loses the twin twinchoke carburettors, and instead has fuel injection. This softens the appeal of the engine but it’s still a lovely looking car. Well it was until we started the sill repair. It’s now looking slightly forlorn and the scope of the job has grown considerably due to the corrosion being much deeper than hoped.
Note the brace in the door aperture – forget to do this and when you cut out the mid sill – which is very substantial as it’s a convertible, and you might never get the door to fit again.
If you look at the image above you can see where the problem started – those two rubber pipes are the drains, they exist into the sill, common practice but unfortunately once the drain in the sill gets blocked, corrosion sets in. Had this car been regularly Lanoguarded it would have saved, what is going to be a very involved and expensive repair.